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Avon Lake, OH 44012

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Does Classic Car Insurance Cover Parts and Labor?

A significant distinction between a classic car and an ordinary car is the frequent need for maintenance in the former. Moreover, it may require special parts or even tools that are no longer readily available in the market. Even something as simple as a hand-cranked window regulator might require an online search. The expertise to fix one of these is typically limited to specialists and a few seasoned mechanics; their skills don’t come cheap. So, can classic car insurance help mitigate this expense?

Specialized Repair and Restoration Coverage

For some, the repair and restoration process is part of the enjoyment of owning a classic car. If you want to keep your hobby from becoming too costly, you might want to ensure your policy includes specialized repair and restoration coverage. This coverage will bear the cost of the repairs needed to maintain the value and authenticity of your vehicle. You may also want to look for spare parts and tool coverage. These items are essential for the upkeep of a classic car, and this coverage will assist you in affording them. Remember to keep those receipts!

Contact Meiners Insurance Serving Avon Lake, OH

Finding the parts needed to repair or restore a classic car can be challenging, but insuring one doesn’t have to be. If you live in the Avon Lake, OH, area and want to insure your classic car, please get in touch with Meiners Insurance. We will connect you with a knowledgeable agent who can help you get the policy and coverage that best suits your unique needs.

The Type of Insurance Needs For Recreational Vehicles

Recreational vehicles are excellent for fun-filled, extended trips away from home. However, every owner should consider how their investment will impact their insurance needs. The team at Meiners Insurance in Avon Lake, OH, can help you determine the type of insurance required to protect your recreational vehicle.

Ohio Insurance Requirements For Recreational Vehicles

The specifics of recreational vehicle insurance requirements vary from state to state. Ohio state law mandates that all recreational vehicles, whether motorized or self-powered, must have liability coverage on their insurance policy. This coverage is similar to auto liability insurance. Recreational vehicle liability coverage offers compensation for damage and injuries caused to others involved in an accident with the vehicle. It covers medical costs, including hospital stays, surgery, and rehabilitation, and lost wages due to absence from employment. Also included in the liability coverage is all repairs or possible replacement of the other party’s vehicle, home structure, or other personal property. The coverage protects you from financial ruin if you are found to be at fault for the accident.

Why Your Recreational Vehicle Needs Collision Coverage

The importance of collision coverage on your recreational vehicle policy is quite significant. It offers to cover all repairs to your recreational vehicle regardless of who is at fault for the accident. Your claim will not be contested even if the cause of the accident is hitting an immovable object, another vehicle, or your personal property. Policyholders are compensated for all repairs to your recreational vehicle, as the cost can be quite expensive.

If you are unfamiliar with recreational vehicle insurance and the type of coverage needed to protect your investment, contact Meiners Insurance in Avon Lake, OH. Our staff can create a policy that best fits your insurance needs. Call and schedule an appointment today.

What Happens If You Can’t Use Your Rental Apartment Due To Fire or Water Damage? Renters Insurance Can Help

Damage to your living quarters can occur at any time. Even if you are a careful renter, an unexpected fire or water damage from an adjacent apartment can encroach on your own space, causing significant damage that prevents you from living there. Your renter’s insurance policy can help defray alternative housing costs while your apartment is being repaired and restored. At Meiners Insurance in Avon Lake, OH, we help our clients acquire renters insurance to cover emergency living expenses.

Dealing with Unexpected Incidents in Your Rental Apartment

A cooking fire or burst pipe can cause sufficient damage to your apartment to prevent you from using the property for a period of time. A hazard can even start in another apartment and then spread to your own, causing damage. These incidents can lead to the need to find alternative housing while repairs are being made.

Renters Insurance Provides Coverage for Alternative Housing

When you have renters insurance, you can receive funds to defray the cost of another lodging while your apartment is under restoration. This coverage can help defray the cost of finding temporary housing when you most need it.

Choose Meiners Insurance for Your Renters Insurance Coverage

If you are unfamiliar with renters insurance and how it can defray unexpected costs associated with your rental housing, our experienced agents can provide detailed answers to your questions. We offer a wide range of insurance products, including home, auto, RV, life, watercraft, and business insurance. Contact Meiners Insurance in Avon Lake, OH, today for a no-obligation quote on renters insurance that can help cover the cost of alternative housing when unexpected damage occurs.

RV Insurance – Coverage for Items That Will Be Towed

Are you going to attach a tow bar and hitch to your RV during your next road trip? If so, you may need specialized insurance to protect your RV, towing equipment, and cargo.

Towing Risks

When actively towing, you are increasing the workload that your primary vehicle is responsible for. The additional weight, plus the presence of the towing equipment, may increase your risk of being involved in an accident.

Your primary vehicle could sideswipe another vehicle, and towing equipment can become disconnected, causing damage. Towing insurance coverage designed for RV owners provides protection whenever a vehicle or RV equipment is being towed.

Towing Preparations

Decide which equipment you will be using for towing purposes. Inspect the equipment, ensuring that it is damage-free. Consider the value of the towing equipment and the item or items that will be towed behind your vehicle.

You can obtain towing insurance that will cover all the essential items that are necessary for towing. You can also obtain coverage for your RV and the actual item that will be towed behind it.

For example, you may decide to tow a snowmobile or four-wheeler behind your RV. If you are going to be using a trailer for towing purposes, you may want to seek insurance coverage for your RV, the trailer, and the piece of recreational equipment that you will be towing.

You may also want to insure the tow bar, the hitch, and other towing equipment. If you are involved in an accident, your coverage may pay for repairs.

Contact An Insurance Agent in Avon Lake, OH

At Meiners Insurance, one of our insurance agents will assist you with updating your RV insurance policy. Set up an appointment to obtain the towing coverage that you need.

Your Boat Insurance Liability Coverage Is Important If You Frequently Have Guest On Board

Boating with family and friends creates wonderful memories for everyone, but sometimes, guests may be careless about safety and can become injured during the excursion. Your liability coverage can be important to defray the cost of any legal cases that can result from an unexpected boating mishap. At Meiners Insurance in Avon Lake, OH, we offer boat insurance for Ohio boaters.

Accidents Can Occur When You Have Inexperienced Boaters On Board

You may invite guests who don’t have experience being on a craft. Guests may have so much fun that they forget to be careful about hazards on the boat, such as propellers, unsteady ladders, protruding cleats, or other objects. Accidents can occur that can lead to lawsuits. That’s where your liability coverage can step in to help avoid expensive losses.

Safe Boating Is A Learned Habit

Inexperienced guests may not know about common hazards they might encounter while boating. The boat owner is responsible for monitoring their guests’ behavior and educating them about safe boating practices so accidents don’t occur. When an incident does happen, your boat insurance liability coverage can cover the cost of lawsuits and other relevant expenses.

Make Meiners Insurance Your Choice For Boat Insurance

If you have questions about liability coverage in your insurance policy, our experienced agents can provide in-depth information to put your mind at rest. We offer many types of insurance policies, including home, auto, renters, life, and business insurance. Contact Meiners Insurance in Avon Lake, OH, today for a no-obligation quote on boat insurance that can protect you against liability for accidents to guests on board.

Is Ohio One of the States that Requires Motorcycle Insurance?

Is Motorcycle Insurance Mandatory in Ohio?

Yes, motorcycle insurance is mandatory in Ohio. Unlike previous times when not all states obliged motorcycle owners to have insurance coverage, Ohio was not included in the exemption. Thus, procuring insurance is a requisite before hitting the highways and byways in Ohio.

The minimal requirement in Ohio requires owners to have liability insurance, with at least $25,000 coverage per person for bodily injuries sustained in an accident.

Purchasing additional coverage like collision and comprehensive insurance is optional.

Other Motorcycle Insurance Coverage Options in Avon Lake, OH

Besides the basic coverage, several other types of motorcycle insurance options are available in Avon Lake, OH. These include coverage for personal belongings and other items carried on the motorcycle.

Roadside assistance is always a wise investment, whether you use your motorcycle for commuting, everyday errands around town, or leisurely highway rides to vacation destinations.

Medical payment coverage for both the driver and the passenger is another optional insurance coverage to consider.

Inquire with your agent about total loss coverage and the specific scenarios the insurance covers.

Insurance Coverage: Before or After a Motorcycle Purchase

If you plan to purchase a motorcycle in Ohio soon, you are allowed to buy the bike before acquiring the required liability insurance coverage. However,

Like motorcycles, scooters must also be registered and insured in the state. On the other hand, mopeds do not require liability insurance.

Please note that you cannot operate the bike without proof of active liability insurance.

Contact Meiners Insurance Today

At Meiners Insurance, we are committed to helping you secure the necessary insurance coverage to legally operate your bike in Ohio. Call us today to ensure a safe ride tomorrow.

When should you get umbrella insurance in Ohio?

Liability risks should always be taken seriously when you are in the Avon Lake, OH, area. As personal liability risks will always exist, it is always a good idea to ensure you can mitigate this risk. One of the ways you can do this is by investing in a full umbrella insurance policy. There are a lot of situations when it would make sense to get this type of coverage here. 

When Trying to Reduce Financial Risks

A primary situation when you will want to have an umbrella plan is when you are trying to reduce your financial risks. If you have significant assets, you could be more at risk for a liability claim than others. The judgment or settlement can be substantial if you are found liable for an accident. If you have an umbrella plan, you will have the support you need to protect your financial assets. 

When at Higher Risk

Having an umbrella plan is also a good idea if you are at a higher risk for a claim. Depending on your situation, you may be more likely than others to be liable for damages. Examples of this include being a public figure and at risk for libel or slander. Umbrella insurance is a great option in these situations. 

It is always crucial that you are adequately covered with an umbrella plan when you are in the Avon Lake, OH, area. This is a great way to manage your personal liability risks. As you are looking for a new plan here, it would be wise to call our team with Meiners Insurance. Our professionals with Meiners Insurance will give you any help you need to build a new plan that will meet your needs. 

What Types of Water Damage is Covered in Condo Insurance

Condo insurance, or HO-6 insurance, provides essential coverage for unit owners around Avon Lake, OH. Understanding the various types of water damage covered under condo insurance and what is covered is crucial before filing a claim.

Sudden and Accidental Water Damage

Condo insurance typically covers sudden and accidental water damage, including damage from burst pipes and unintentional overflows from household appliances. If a pipe bursts unexpectedly, causing water to damage your walls, floors, or personal belongings, your condo insurance will likely cover the repair costs and replacement of damaged items.

Damage from Plumbing Issues

Water damage from faulty plumbing, such as a broken pipe or malfunctioning system, is generally covered. For example, if a pipe in your bathroom bursts and floods your unit, your policy would typically cover the damage to your personal property and the interior of your condo. However, maintenance and repairs for the upkeep must remain habitual.

Water Damage from Fire Suppression

If water damage occurs due to extinguishing a fire in your condo, this would be covered by your insurance. For instance, if firefighters need to use water to extinguish a fire, the subsequent water damage to your unit and belongings would be included in your policy’s coverage.

Limitations and Exclusions

It is important to note that condo insurance may not honor every type of water damage. Flood damage from natural disasters like heavy rainfall or storm surges is typically excluded and requires separate flood insurance. Additionally, damage from sewer backups or overflows may not be covered unless you have added specific endorsements.

Meiners Insurance Is There For You

Meiners Insurance is here for you when you need insurance information. Our services are available at the Avon Lake, OH locations and surrounding areas. Call today.

Do You Need More Than Liability Auto Insurance?

If you’re in the Avon Lake, OH, area and looking into getting auto insurance or need to update your current policy, Meiners Insurance can help. We want to ensure you have the right type and level of coverage for your vehicle needs, which can vary depending on several factors. The best way to ensure you’re protected properly is to work with a professional insurance agent who can give you the information and support you need, which could mean more than liability coverage.

Having liability insurance covers the basics, but it doesn’t provide protection for other problems. If your vehicle is stolen or you’re in an accident, for example, you may find that you don’t have the level of security you expected or hoped for. That’s why it can be the right choice to add more coverage than the state requires. However, you don’t need it in all cases, and you want to base it on the age and type of car you drive, along with other specific factors in your life.

By working with an agent, you can eliminate the guesswork about whether you should have something beyond liability for your insurance coverage, allowing you to focus on getting the best protection for your situation. We can answer your questions and provide you with quotes from multiple insurers so you can get the right policy or make important updates to your current one.

Get in touch with us today at Meiners Insurance if you’re in the Avon Lake, OH area and looking for auto insurance. We’re here for you, and your car coverage needs so you can feel confident on the road and know that you have a policy that will keep you protected.

Liability Protection for Commercial Landscaping Upgrades

Property upgrades that enhance the beauty and functionality of your commercial land require liability protection. Read on to learn about the risks associated with land improvements. Then, purchase commercial liability insurance for your business property.

Upgrades to your Home

  • Pond, fountain, or another water feature
  • Landscape Lighting
  • Common areas for walking and sitting
  • Trees, shrubs, and other plants
  • Patios
  • Gazebos

This list highlights some landscaping upgrades that a liability protection plan can cover. These upgrades and others could alter how your commercial property is used daily. 

Risks to your Home

Land improvements are designed to make your property more attractive or user-friendly. However, these types of additions may come with risks. Natural and synthetic materials used to construct landscaping features could become damaged, posing a risk to others.

Assess the materials each feature is constructed of. Perform a safety analysis that pertains to the design of each landscaping upgrade. Consider ways to improve the safety of each landscaping upgrade.

The installation of fencing or signs could make it easier for patrons and employees to access your property. Safety features will also prevent unforeseen accidents on your commercial land.

Coverage for your Home

The amount of commercial property liability coverage you acquire should coincide with the risk level of each upgrade. If someone who visits your property ultimately sues you, the liability insurance will cover legal costs and other costs associated with the lawsuit.

Your commercial liability insurance policy will indicate the cap amount for the landscaping materials covered by your policy. 

Contact Meiners Insurance

Contact one of our agents at Meiners Insurance. An agent who serves Avon Lake, OH, will prepare your new commercial liability insurance documents for the landscaping upgrades.

Our Carriers

  • Foremost
  • Hagerty
  • Guard
  • Liberty Mutual
  • Nationwide
  • Progressive
  • Safeco
  • Travelers